Shelves are one of the most exciting canvases within a home. They’re spaces that are not just for collecting, but for storytelling. Nate and I are constantly arranging and rearranging the units within our family room; bringing in objects collected from travels, books filled with our latest inspirations, and photos of memories made as a family. Find my curation of shelf styling essentials below.
Montana Labelle Donut Bowl
Marble Candle Vessel
Decorative Wooden Box
Pierre Yovanavitch Book
Papier-mâché Vase
Mathieu Mategot Tray
BBDW turntable
Brancusi Book
Large Clear Quartz Crystal
Wabi-Sabi Wood Bowl
Silver Photo Frame
Sunil Das Sketch
Noguchi Paper Lantern
Metal Trays
The Glass Puzzle